Our SENDCo is Mrs Walsh. She is available on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Mrs Walsh can be contacted via the main office on 0208 501 1115.

Our Ethos

Working closely with Parents, Governors and the wider community, we provide a caring, secure and happy environment where every child matters and where all children will be nurtured and guided to develop a thirst for learning.

Our school is an inclusive school and offers to meet the needs of all pupils and their families, including those with special educational needs. We have a shared expectation that all pupils, regardless of their special educational needs, should be offered inclusive teaching which will enable them to make the best possible progress in school so they know they are a valued member of the school community. The range of support the school can offer will be tailored to individual need following thorough assessments by internal and / or external agencies.

Head Teacher:

Miss Samantha Taylor is responsible for the day to day management of all aspects of the school, including the provision for pupils with SEND.

Class Teacher:

The class teacher is responsible for:

  • Adapting and refining the curriculum to respond to the strengths and needs of any pupil with SEND in their class.
  • Checking on the progress of your child and identifying, planning and delivering additional support.
  • Contributing to devising personalised learning plans, where appropriate, to focus on next steps required to improve your child’s learning.
  • Ensuring quality first teaching and differentiation for pupils with SEND.

Inclusion Manager: Mrs Walsh is responsible for:

  • Coordinating provision for children with SEND and developing the school’s SEND policy.
  • Ensuring parents are involved in supporting their child’s learning.
  • Keeping parents informed about the range and level of support offered to their child.
  • Including parents/carers in reviewing how their child is doing.
  • Using a range of agencies outside of school who can offer advice and support to help pupils overcome difficulties.
  • Providing specialist advice and facilitating training to ensure that all staff are skilled and confident about meeting a range of needs.
  • Supporting planning which takes into account individual pupil needs and requirements. Differentiation will be planned in a range of ways to ensure that pupils can experience success and challenge in their learning.

SEND Governor: At present the whole Governing Body is responsible for monitoring the provision of SEND within the school. It is thus responsible for supporting the school to evaluate and develop quality and  monitor the impact of provision for pupils with SEND across the school.

Staff Expertise: An ongoing programme of training is in place to ensure that teachers and learning support staff have the appropriate skills and knowledge in areas that will improve their teaching and support of children with SEND. Our Inclusion Manager has extensive knowledge of current local and national initiatives and policies that support pupils with a range of different needs.

Budget: The curriculum is adapted to ensure all children with SEND have the opportunity to take part in all aspects of school life, including out of school activities.

Our Partnerships:

  • The school works closely with a range of professionals for specific needs, including:
  • Educational psychologists
  • School Nurse
  • Speech and Language
  • Occupational Therapists
  • EWMHS (Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Service
  • SAS (Statutory Assessment Service)
  • The school is a member of Epping Forest South Local Delivery Group which provides a network of support and access to a range of resources and professional advice for children with SEND.

Identification of SEND



The quality, appropriateness and impact of the overall provision are kept under regular review. The school will use its available budget to meet the needs of all pupils.


We assess learners continuously in order to track progress and make any necessary interventions. Children with One Plans have their progress monitored and new targets are introduced as needed. Teachers and Teaching Assistants meet regularly with the SENDCo to discuss children’s progress.


For information on the Essex Local Offer, please visit

For further information about the School’s offer, please contact the office by phone 0208 501 1115 or email –

A range of policies are available on the school’s website, or we can provide copies on request. These include: SEND policy; Home-School Agreement; Safeguarding; Complaints procedure; Behaviour policy; Equal Opportunities policy; Child Protection policy; Disability and Equality policy.


Rainbow Room

We have proudly created an enhanced provision that provides children with an increased amount of support, intervention and individualised learning, in a nurturing environment. The children can access the room throughout the day where differing learning activities await. We have ensured there are increased opportunities to develop self-help skills, social skills as well as academic targets. Each child has their own learning activities but all children take part in group sessions, art, music and bucket therapy.

Courtyard/Circuit Area

We have a purpose built space available throughout the day where children can develop balance, coordination and regulate themselves. 

Jens Den 

A safe, magical space where children feel nurtured and secure. Where nature and nurture combine.

The Dens are sensory spaces to stimulate and calm. They are safe spaces where one to one professional counselling sessions take place. 

The Dens can be what you need them to be. They have multiple uses but essentially they are a safe space for children who are feeling overwhelmed or unsure. 

Here at Limes Farm we are incredibly lucky to have access to other therapies and provisions. We currently have an Art Therapist and a Play Therapist who both attend weekly. These therapies help specific children with; self acceptance, self esteem, expressing feelings, calming strategies and emotional regulation. 


SEND Evaluation Summer 2022

In June 2022 Limes Farm Infant School and Nursery had an opportunity to have an independent  SEND review from the Unity Schools Partnership. 

Reviewing SEND attitudes and practice offers opportunities for us to reflect critically and proactively on our ability to meet the requirements of all learners within our settings. The intention is for this SEND review to act as a catalyst for driving change and improving provision.

Reviewing SEND attitudes and practice should help to ensure that all our learners, in all our educational settings, achieve their very best, including the acquisition of the knowledge, skills and qualifications that they need for successful transition into further education, employment and independent life.

Please see the summary points below: 

  • leaders have created a wonderfully warm and caring learning environment in which all children can achieve.
  • leaders think carefully about their provision, especially for those children with needs. Taking a holistic view of each child, support and interventions are reviewed regularly to ensure they are having impact.
  • children’s views reflect the school’s aims, talking enthusiastically about their teachers, their learning and the other opportunities made available to them;
  • it is great to see those children with identified needs achieve well and are an integral part of the school community.
  • attendance, albeit below pre-pandemic levels, is better than much of the rest of country, and the disparity between SEND and non-SEND is not significant. PA is also at an acceptable level.
  • the school rightly prides itself on its inclusive culture and ethos. The use of trauma perceived practice is integral to this and is well embedded.

 SEND Policies and Statements 

SEND Statement and Commitment

SEND Information Report

SEND & Inclusion Policy

Accessibility Plan

Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions

Social, Emotional Health and Wellbeing

Essex Inclusion Statement 

Essex Local Offer

Local Authorities and schools are required to publish and review information about educational provision available for children and young people with SEND under the Children and Families Bill. This is known as the ‘Local Offer’.

The Local Offer should help parents and families know what they can reasonably expect from their local schools.

Essex Local Offer