
What should I do if my child is too ill to attend school?

  • Parents are expected to contact the school on the first day of absence by 9.30am
  • Call the school number 020 85011115 to speak to office staff or leave a message on the answerphone
  • Continue to contact the school on each day of absence in order to keep us up to date.
  • Evidence of medical appointments or prescribed medication may be requested upon return to school
  • Medical appointments, should if possible, be booked outside school hours

All absences are recorded as either authorised or unauthorised absences in the register. It is important that we receive accurate information from parents with reasons for the child’s absence. This information is used to determine whether the absence is authorised or unauthorised. The Head teacher has the responsibility to determine whether absences are authorised or unauthorised.

In cases of sickness/diarrhoea, the Health Protection Agency recommends that children should not return to school for 48 hours after the last incidence of vomiting or diarrhoea. 

Medical appointments, including dentist appointments

If your child has a future medical appointment that means they will be unable to attend school for part of the day, please email office@limesfarm.efspt.org and attach evidence of the appointment (screenshot of text/photo of medication/hospital letter). The office will log this as a planned absence.

 Children are expected to return to school as soon as possible after their appointment unless they are too unwell.

Please note, Head Teachers are only permitted to authorise absence in a small number of exceptional circumstances. For instance:

  • attendance at a significant family event eg the wedding or funeral of a close family member
  • religious observance that last for more than two days (you do not need to apply for a leave of absence for annual religious festivals, such as Yom Kippur or Diwali) 

This list is not exhaustive, however, leave will not be granted for the purposes of a family holiday.  

Term time holidays may result in a fine being issued per child to parents by the Local Authority. Please remember that you do not have a legal right to take your child out of school during term time. 

Please help your child to be an ‘attendance hero’ by getting them




On time.

Where do you sit on the attendance mountain?


Helpful Information

Please follow the link for NHS advise 'Is my child to ill for school'


